Let’s Make Evolution the Only Provincial Election Issue By Gary Morton PC Leader John Tory has created quite a flap with his proposal to spend 400 million to fund religious schools, and then following it up with a statement to the effect that Creationism could be taught in such schools. Sure he has backtracked since then, but why don’t Ontarians follow the US example and make Evolution the only issue? Of course here we are talking about macro evolution or the theory that species evolve to other species and not the proven theory of micro evolution or variation within species. Let’s force every candidate to take a stand on Evolution, and let’s have a leader’s debate on the issue. Of course macro evolution is mainly argued for and against by experts these days, meaning the leaders would have to trot out their credentials on the issue. Here’s an example Debate Ticket. Ontario Election 2007 – The Leaders Debate Evolution Featuring a main debate between PC Leader John Tory (author of the prestigious paper “Thus God Spaketh to the Hominids”) And Liberal Leader Dalton McGuinty (author of “Unintelligent Design and Liberal Evolution”) Secondary questions will be placed in a second mini debate with NDP Leader Howard Hampton (noted author of “The Socialist Tendencies of Erectus Homo”) And Green Party Leader Frank De Jong, author of “The Evolution of Amino Acids in Green Microbes”) Surely a debate like this on an issue like this would enlighten all citizens of Ontario as to the worth of their leaders. ---------------------- |