![]() * The article below notes that Stephen Harper does not have clean government as a priority. In addition check this latest news clip on the subject: John Reid, Canada's information commissioner, points out that Stephen Harper's Accountability Act is more retrograde and dangerous than any proposals of previous governments. Reid calls the latest proposals "a bureaucrat's dream." The Access to Information Act will be weakened as will openness in government. This will make it easier to cover up embarrassing scandals.10 new loopholes will allow civil servants to deny requests for information. The proposed act will increase government control of the flow of information to Canadians. It prevents draft audits or audit papers from being released for 15 years. The reforms would not require civil servants to create records, and would not give the information commissioner genuine investigative powers. Stephen Harper’s Real Priority By Gary Morton http://citizensontheweb.ca April.16.2006 Stephen Harper’s five priorities are really one priority … Win a Majority Government in the Next Election. Harper quickly reveals that in the way he plays his governing cards. The media has been his lapdog. Look at recent news. Media and pollsters call the public perception of his rule A-OK when it isn’t. Harper has no opposition. The Liberals are leaderless. In spite of that and being a new PM thirty percent of Tories don’t support him and the public thinks he sucks on both child care and the environment. His response to this kiss butt press has been to attempt to muzzle the media, denying access to cabinet. MPs and cabinet members also find themselves strangely censored. Today we hear of Harper’s laughable muzzling of Defence Chief Rick Hillier. Hillier may be outspoken but having his appearances approved and his speeches cleared by the PMO is a bizarre idea that has no place in a democracy. Many of us believe in peace and not in troops in Afghanistan, and also believe that silencing Rick Hillier is bad policy. Generals say what generals will say; Harper should be happy that Hillier is in close agreement with him on the Afghan issue. Let’s look at Mr. Harper’s first stated priority. He will clean up government. He says this but critics already note that his Accountability Act is a move in the opposite direction. He wants to pass a No Accountability Act. Any act aside, the first thing clean government does is act openly. Clean government does not muzzle its own people, public servants, and the media, all in a shabby attempt to control the news and public debate. Priority One is a big Tory fib, and what will the real priority of a Harper Majority deliver? I expect it will be headlines like this. CBC Reporter Arrested after speaking out on behalf of Seal Hunt Dissidents – May.2008 Canadian Independent. Government truth squads have arrested CBC Reporter Jane Marsden after a broadcast from a secret Toronto Detention Centre. The centre is thought to be holding Seal Hunt dissidents. Ms Marsden, like the dissidents, has been charged under the new Free Speech Accountability Act. The act prohibits news and public discussion of non Government Priorities. A book of detailed government surveillance files reveals that Marsden and others conspired ……….. -----------------------------