at CitizensontheWeb.ca
The Rally
With one voice waking in the bracing
cold Canadians protested against War on Iraq today. People hit the streets
in Ontario, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and British Columbia.
In Toronto a popular march saw thousands leave Queen’s Park under the first flurries of winter. They headed to Yonge Street before moving back to University Avenue and the US Consulate. A teen woman got arrested near the consulate, with police saying the arrest occurred after a demonstrator spat in an officer's face. Most likely police picked a fight and she argued and got arrested.
The Issue
War on Iraq has been ongoing with the US continually bombing the No Fly zone, often massacring innocent civilians. Corporate media releases very little news on that or on the hundreds of thousands of Iraqi civilians that have died from the effects of sanctions that deny them medical supplies and many of the basics of life.
Weapons inspections to keep Iraq disarmed via the UN Resolution are not designed to work. They’ve been made to fail and provide justification for a US invasion. The UN Security Council was initially opposed to weapons inspections as a formula for war, but went along after the US threatened to invade without approval. Behind the scenes moves have been made that likely include apportioning out Iraq’s oil reserves to Security Council members.
If weapons inspections were designed to work the sanctions on Iraq would eventually have to be dropped, and the country would be welcomed back into the international community. In that scenario Saddam would not have to be partial to US investment.
The oil-backed Bush White House doesn’t want an outcome that is not favorable to US economic interests. Bush heads an oil-and-bombs cabal. The military backers of the Republicans like war and need a bombs dumping ground so they can continue to profit through selling the taxpayer expensive tactical weapons.
Many believe it is war for oil. Iraq has the second largest reserves in the world. America is now addicted to foreign oil, and total investment in Iraq’s fields will add up to a trillion dollars of business that America is currently being cut out of by Saddam.
Twenty-five United Nations weapons inspectors are set to arrive in Iraq on Monday and four Canadians will head to Iraq as weapons inspectors. Canada has not committed troops to a war with Iraq but is moving slowly towards full endorsement of war. When war begins corporate media will get onboard the military showboat, pumping out propaganda to support weeks of bombing against civilians in Iraq. Media military drills will tell us that bombings of cities and killings of civilians are necessary as part of the War on Terror. They’ll say that the great democracy the US creates in Iraq will be the end that justifies the means.
The truth is necessary, and war is not. War on Iraq may be another military victory for the West, and one that will distract us from the enemies of freedom inside our borders … those composing the evil side of the establishment … controlling the propaganda machine that brainwashes nearly everyone.