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    protest against the Israeli Bombing of Lebanon 2006

    (Please forward this urgent action far and wide, post on websites, etc.)

    Stop New Secret Trials Legislation in Canada!
    Urgent Action Alert from the Campaign to Stop Secret Trials in Canada

    (see below for three concrete actions that need to be taken--new
    petition drive, Dec. 7 delegations to MPs, and call-in week for MPs)

    Demand that Liberals, Bloc, and Tories NOT bring in new law to allow
    for indefinite detention without charge, secret hearings without the
    detainee or their lawyer present, draconian house arrest, and
    deportation to torture.

    In February of this year, the Supreme Court of Canada ruled that secret
    trial security certificates were unconstitutional, but suspended the
    effect of its decision until February 23, 2008, at which time those
    subject to certificates can apply to have them quashed. Rather than
    scrap these medieval processes (which have resulted in untold suffering
    by those detained, their families, and the targetted community members
    who live in fear of being next), the Harper government waited until
    late October to introduce new legislation (Bill C-3) that, with one or
    two exceptions, is almost identical to the legislation found
    unconstitutional by the Supreme Court.

    The Tories have waited until this late date so they can create a false
    sense of impending crisis and speed the bill through without any
    substantial debate. They claim all heck will break loose unless a new
    law is in place. As with security certificates, such outrageous claims
    are based on fear and racism, and not on substantial evidence that can
    be cross-examined in a public forum.

    No one directly affected by the process -- those detained behind bars
    or under house arrest, their family members, their community advocates,
    nor their lawyers -- has been allowed to speak before the Public Safety
    Committee, which will end an embarrassingly short period of
    "discussion" this coming week (December 3-7) and move to finalize the
    bill on December 6.

    The government's proposed bill leaves in place a two-tiered system of
    justice in which some people in Canada are denied the right to a fair
    trial, even though their liberty and very lives may be at stake.

      It does not meet a single one of the demands of our lengthy public
    campaign: like the old security certificate, the proposed draft
    maintains a secret trial process, denying the detainee access to the
    information used against them. It uses vague and undefined allegations
    rather than precise charges, and relies on a low standard of proof
    (possibility instead of fact). It permits the use of hearsay (gossip
    and rumour). It fails to reject the use of information produced under
    torture. It will continue the practice of indefinite detention without
    charge under threat of deportation to torture.

    Legal experts who have analyzed the bill have already said that it will
    not even pass a constitutional test, raising the possibility of further
    legal battles and constitutional challenges. If it succeeds, this move
    on the part of the government will further entrench the use of secrecy
    in the Canadian legal system by institutionalizing a model (the
    "special advocate") which legitimizes secret information. It will help
    to normalize racial profiling and indefinite detention or house arrest
    for people who are deemed "suspect" by the scandal-plagued spy agency
    CSIS. It will help normalize increased government control and
    surveillance. It also  leaves the door open to deportation to torture.

    Rather than try and "fix" or make "less severe" a fundamentally flawed
    and unfair process, those working on this issue for years have been
    very clear: the whole system should be scrapped and, if the government
    has anything against those held on certificates, the individuals should
    be charged, allowed access to the case against them, and given a fair
    and open trial in court. As human beings, justice and even
    international and Canadian law require that their fundamental rights to
    life, liberty and security be treated with every bit as much respect as
    the rights of those who happen to have Canadian citizenship.


    1. We are collecting signatures on petitions (In English and French)
    and hope to have TENS OF THOUSANDS of names on them by February 15,
    2008. Please download those petitions from, take them with you
    everywhere (schools, mosques, churches, union halls, community groups,
    December holiday gatherings), and send them in to us once filled out
    (They can be mailed to Campaign to Stop Secret Trials in Canada, PO Box
    73620, 509 St. Clair Ave. West, Toronto, ON M6C 1C0)

    2.  Join the day of action on 7 December: it's a day of community
    delegations to Members of Parliament in their home ridings. Members of
    Parliament must be held accountable! For more information or to join
    in, email

    3. Contact MPs both this weekend and throughout the week of December
    In Parliament, only the NDP has shown principled opposition to the new
    legislation. Only two Liberals, Andrew Telegdi and Colleen Beaumier,
    stood up to oppose the bill at second reading, while other Liberals
    (even those who have previously expressed rejection of secret trials)
    were missing in action.
    In the next week, we ask that you undertake two separate actions:
    a. a massive call-in/email campaign needs to occur to demand that
    "Public Safety" committee members (listed below) reject the new bill
    and stop behaving in a manner that reflects that anti-democratic nature
    of security certificates by shutting down debate.
    b. please also call your own MP and demand that they take a stand and
    vote against C-3. A list of MPs and how they voted (or whether they
    were even in the House) is available at  (We have bolded names that we
    feel are most important to contact, and contact often until they
    confirm opposition to C-3!) If your MP is an NDP-er or one of the two
    Liberals who have shown some backbone, please consider calling someone
    else on the lengthy list of shame.

    Garry Breitkreuz
    Conservative: Yorkton—Melville, SK
    Tel: (613) 992-4394
    Fax: (613) 992-8676

    Hon. Roy Cullen
    Liberal: Etobicoke North, ON
    Tel: (613) 995-4702
    Fax: (613) 995-8359

    Penny Priddy
    NDP: Surrey North, BC
    Tel: (613) 992-2922
    Fax: (613) 992-0252

    Hon. Sue Barnes
    Liberal: London West, ON
    Tel: (613) 996-6674
    Fax: (613) 996-6772

    Bonnie Brown
    Liberal: Oakville, ON
    Tel: (613) 995-4014
    Fax: (613) 992-0520

    Gord Brown
    Conservative: Leeds—Grenville, ON
    Tel: (613) 992-8756
    Fax: (613) 996-9171

    Hon. Ujjal Dosanjh
    Liberal: Vancouver South, BC
    Tel: (613) 995-7052
    Fax: (613) 995-2962

    Dave MacKenzie
    Conservative: Oxford, ON
    Tel: (613) 995-4432
    Fax: (613) 995-4433

    Colin Mayes
    Conservative: Okanagan—Shuswap, BC
    Tel: (613) 995-9095
    Fax: (613) 992-3195

    Serge Ménard
    Bloc Québécois: Marc-Aurèle-Fortin, QC
    Tel: (613) 992-2617
    Fax: (613) 992-6069

    Rick Norlock
    Conservative: Northumberland—Quinte West, ON
    Tel: (613) 992-8585
    Fax: (613) 995-7536

    Ève-Mary Thaï Thi Lac
    Bloc Québécois: Saint-Hyacinthe—Bagot, QC
    Tel: (613) 996-4585
    Fax: (613) 992-1815

    Please contact your nearest Canadian consulate or embassy and express
    your outrage that the government is re-introducing the same secret
    trials legislation already deemed unconstitutional by the Supreme Court
    of Canada. If you are told this is not within their portfolio, ask that
    the message be passed on to Ottawa.

    Thanks for your support, which was responsible for forcing this issue
    at this country's highest court in June, 2006. Public pressure can turn
    the tide again and prevent more needless years of suffering by those
    unjustly targetted by CSIS in this country.

    Campaign to Stop Secret trials in Canada, PO Box 73620, 509 St. Clair
    Ave. West, Toronto, ON M6C 1C0,, (416) 651-5800, (new website on the way!)