By Gary Morton, Sept.2008 The Harper government with noted support from Dion’s Liberals have us in Afghanistan until 2011. The combat mission that was supposed to fade has remained. If the election plays out in favour of Harper, Canadians will be perishing in Afghanistan for a long time to come. A few simple facts solidify this prediction. As the coming election was announced Stephen Harper announced a half billion dollars in new money for CFB Trenton. It is the transportation base serving the Afghan mission. Harper’s Canada First Defence Policy is also an Afghanistan First defence policy to some degree as a lot of money is being spent on transport planes and equipment to serve the Afghan mission. On the campaign trail Harper’s Defence Minister, Peter MacKay is announcing that Canada will not cut and run when the combat mission ends in 2011. MacKay says we will remain there in various roles, but if you read between the lines he is really saying the mission will be extended pretty much in its present form. Harper MacKay are aware they can accomplish this if they gain a majority government or strengthened minority. With pressure coming in from the United States via a McCain or Obama presidency, the Dion Liberals will quickly come on board with Harper and support an extension of the mission. Canadians that want to end our involvement in this continual and meaningless occupation and war must vote against it by withholding support for Harper and Dion. Vote NDP, Green or Bloc to end the Afghan charade. -------------------------------------