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Canadian Federal Election 2006


Election Prediction: Race to Deadlock– Jan.16.2006 

   It’s easy to make election predictions when the final polls are in and making an early one today according to the polls would be for a strong Tory Minority Government. Corporate media and its coverage have been pushing for this all along and will continue to do so. (Papers like the Globe and Sun will endorse the Tories and push hard to bring them in with a Majority.) They have their own interests at heart, believing that the Liberals are too weak to win and that Canada needs a strong victor to benefit the economy. 

   The way it will actually end is in a dead heat. Meaning the seat count will defy any party with a lead in the polls, giving them less than expected.

   The four main parties will come out strong in relation to one another and the best anyone will be able to form is a minority government. 

   Deadlock will then seize the nation as the parties negotiate. These negotiations will freeze up with the party leaders refusing to budge an inch while at the same time realizing that there is no reason to form or prop up any government unless it can deliver a reasonable bread and butter package of the promises to the voters in the form of legislation or a budget. Disagreement over this package will lead to sleepless nights and much media speculation. The party that forms a government will be the one that can do the deal. 

   Foreseeable problems … The NDP will be reluctant to trust the Tories in regards to our social safety net and other issues like tax cuts for the rich and the Tories won’t want to buy their package. The Bloc will have other problems with the Tories as Duceppe campaigned on the idea of pulling revenue out of the West and into Quebec

   The Liberals have already undergone failed negotiations with the NDP and they have always refused to cooperate with the Bloc. And of the course the Conservatives will be aiming at being the government and not in cooperating with the Liberals. 

   In spite of these obstacles in the end there will be a package and a minority government. It could be either Liberal or Conservative. 

   The preferred corporate media strong Conservative Minority Government would actually be the weaker option. In that position Harper would try to go it alone issue by issue … and with an inexperienced cabinet his government would be a blink of an eye government. The Tories will have rough time making it unless they get a majority, which is possible but unfortunately for them, won't happen.

   Voters trying to solve the corruption problem can't do so by voting. All the major parties are corrupt. Martin is simply blind and pompous and can't see other ideas or corruption happening around him. Harper is a wolf dripping honey from his mouth, doing things like suddenly supporting benefits for gay parents. After the vote the wolf will soon show his teeth. Jack Layton is more of a con man type. He can be trusted in minority governments but would quickly look bad if he were elected Prime Minister. Green Party head Jim Harris is already vain and autocratic and he hasn't yet elected an MP.

   Canadians simply can't vote in an honest government and with so many voters being bought by simple dollars like GST cuts they deserve the dishonest government that truly represents them.

Gary Morton at http://CanadaElection.org
