Tweedledee (Harper) and Tweedledion

By Gary Morton, 2008
*Any similarities between this and other copyrighted poems and silliness is purely coincidental.

Tweedledee and Tweedledion

Agreed to have a battle

For Tweedledion said Tweedledee

Had spoiled his nice new rattle

Just then flew down a monstrous election crow

As black as a tar-barrel

Which frightened both the heroes so

They quite forgot their quarrel


Said Tweedledee to Tweedledion

Off to Afghanistan we'll go for fun

And both our guns will rattle

Then flew down a monstrous war crow

As black as a tar-barrel

Which frightened both the heroes so

They quite forgot their quarrel


Tweedledion and Tweedledee

Agreed to have a battle

For Tweedledee said Tweedledion

Had spat on his nice new budget rattle

Then Tweedledion began to prattle

And said they had not the brains to quarrel

Then flew down a monstrously stupid crow

As black as a tar-barrel

Which frightened both the heroes so

They quite forgot …… the moral of the  story

Which is that they are both incredible idiots

And should be playing with rattles and not our nation.
